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Webcam Basics - What you need to get started

Getting your webcam model career started is easier than you think. You don't have to buy a bunch of fancy equipment to get yourself online. With just a couple basic items you'll be ready to go in no time.

Laptop - I highly recommend using a laptop instead of a desk top computer and here's why: Laptops are mobile. you can move them wherever you need. You can change locations in your home, adjust your setting easier, pretty much make everything as convenient for yourself as possible. That being said, it is entirely possible to use a desktop PC. If this is your only obstacle, I say just go for it - use your PC and make it work. It may not be as easy to get your set the way you like it, but that's no biggie. Okay, now that the first step is out of the way, on to the next!

Webcam - You don't need a fancy pants webcam to get started. Nope, all you need is a basic webcam. In fact, any will do. But make sure you do use an actual webcam verses using the built in webcam on your laptop. Believe me - it will be a huge difference and you'll thank me later. Now, later on down the road after you really start making a good income, you'll more than likely want to upgrade your webcam to one with better resolution, or even do what the really successful models do and invest in a decent DSLR camera - but worry about that later when the bucks are rolling in. Now is the time to just get your butt on camera. Here's a decently priced webcam on Amazon:

That's it - did you think it would be harder than that? Well, technically you can get pretty damned complicated and elaborate with your set up - if you want! That's the beauty of this industry; you can make it fit around your schedule and your time and your needs. But really all you really need is access to internet, a computer, and a webcam.

Happy camming!

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