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Friday, July 15, 2016

The Natural Makeup Look Featuring Noah Bensi!

You know what? I love this chick. I've been secretly stalking her for a while now. Her YouTube videos are fucking hilarious. She's hot, she's cute as hell, and she has some really great info on the webcam industry. Who am I talking about? Why, it's Noah Bensi!

Recently I've really been wanting to focus on the makeup aspect of camming. So many of us just getting started in the industry want to know how to get the perfect webcam model make up look but don't know where to start. I remember when I first got started as a webcam model I would spend (not even joking, I wish I was joking) TWO FUCKING HOURS in front of the mirror getting ready. By then I was already spent and didn't want to go to work anymore. How stupid is that? Eventually I got my routine figured out, knew what the look was I was going for and then cut my time down to about 30-45 minutes from start to finish if I was wanting to go with the ultra made up look. But the video I want to share with you is how to get a banging webcam look in practically minutes. This look is an easy, breezy flawless look that is perfect on cam. So without further ado, here's Noah:

If you enjoyed meeting Noah, here are all the ways you can stalk her:


Happy camming!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Basic Makeup Tips For Cam Models

Morning ladies!

This morning I'm sitting at my desk and about half awake as I sip my coffee and try to force my eyes to stay open. But I've been wanting to write this post for a while now. I think this topic is a vital part of camming for a lot of models: MAKEUP! And yes, I know that not all models will agree with me that makeup is a big deal or even that important. In fact, some webcam models skip makeup all together. Each to their own, really. I respect that and that's pretty much the key of webcam modeling; finding what works for you. But for this post, I'm going to share with you some of my favorite makeup products to use on cam. And I also have something very special lined up for my followup post - I'll be sharing some amazingly helpful makeup tutorial videos made by the sexy and amazing cam girl Noah Bensi!

But for now, let's get started. We're going to be starting from the ground up with my list. I'm not going touch eye makeup on this post - just the basics which I think is pretty damned important. I'll make another post in the near future that covers eye makeup. 

My ultimate favorite cleansers are the ones made by St. Ives. Their cleansing scrubs gently sluff off dead skin cells leaving a smooth, clean face to work with. Many people skip the cleansing portion of their makeup routine but I find it's very, very important and completely worth taking the extra two minutes in the shower to do it. Your skin will be easier to work with and will make your makeup go on better. I like this one: 

Again, you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to buy a good quality product. Sometimes all you need is nice simple product and it does the trick. Like I said before, I really love St. Ives product. Just like the cleanser, don't skip the moisturizer step. It's so important to keep your skin hydrated and healthy and will make your face look so much better on camera. Use it morning and night.  

I. Love. Primer. I would just like to shout it from the rooftops. I LOVE PRIMER! Not everyone uses primer but I don't know why! It's so fucking amazing! It smooths your skin tone out. Makes your foundation go on smooth and flawlessly. It's jut one teeny tiny extra step SO DO IT. Seriously. Just fucking do it. FUCK. Just do it. P.S. Master Prime is my favorite.

Foundation can be tricky. Every skin type is SO DIFFERENT that it can make it really challenging to pick out a good foundation. And you need a good foundation. It's literally the foundation of your entire makeup. You want it to look smooth and natural while still giving you great coverage. I'm going to provide the link the brand I use and what I like. But sometimes you have to try and few to find what works for you. If you try a foundation and don't like it, don't give up. Just try and different brand. And also, don't forget to test it out on camera to find out what really is going to look good in front of the webcam.

Have you ever been told that you should apply your concealer before you foundation? Yeah? Well, whoever told you that was full of shit. You should apply it AFTER your foundation. Why? Because if you do it before your foundation you won't be able to see what areas you're going to need extra coverage from the concealer for and you'll end up with an excessive amount of makeup on. You'll also burn through your concealer faster than you can say drop your panties. Also, concealer is what most people use for contouring. I'm not going to touch that in this post. It's a post within itself and I'm hoping to get a hold of a snazzy webcam girl to make a video about it to post. We'll revisit this topic though.

Don't forget the bronzer! If you just leave off at foundation, your face is going to look flat and dull. Give your face some warmth and definition. I like this brand:

Finishing Powder: 
This is a step I think a lot of people ignore. But why?! Finishing powder is amazeballs.
This should be your very last step in your makeup and will give your skin the most amazing, beautiful, smooth look on camera. It helps keep your makeup in place and gives your face a nice finished look. This is a must-have in my makeup bag and I don't go anywhere without it. If you feel like foundation gives your skin a fake, cakey look, the translucent finishing powder will take care of that. Your skin will look so natural and perfect. Seriously, just get it.

I hope this post provided you with some basic info and idea for getting your look started. I feel it is so important to get your makeup routine down so that you feel confident and comfortable in front of the cam. Having the right makeup on will make your face look even better on camera. Remember, lighting can be harsh and can bring out the redness or imperfections in your skin. Having good coverage will help your skin look smooth and flawless.

Happy camming!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

This is your BUSINESS

Okay guys and dolls,

Let's talk turkey. You've finally pulled the trigger and signed up to become a webcam model. Congratulations! You did it. You should be proud of yourself - it's not easy to put yourself out there and it takes guts. Perhaps by now you've already logged on a few times and tested the waters. That's great. You're getting there. Perhaps your first few times you were one of the lucky ones and made a surprising amount of money right out of the gate. And if that's the case, hooray for you! You rock!'re lucky. That doesn't happen for everyone. In fact, that doesn't happen for most people. This is a business. Let me repeat modeling is a business. B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S. Treat it as such and you will be successful. Actually, that's really one of the benefits to webcamming versus really any other type of businesses. As long as you're putting the effort into you, you're going to make money. Good money. It's just a fact. A really nice fact. But if you half-ass it and don't put the time and energy into it that it needs, you're going to end up with mediocre paychecks and walk away feeling like it was all a scam. You know what? It's not a scam. This is a legitimate industry that is quite simply BOOMING. Believe me, there is plenty of money to go around to everyone and ensure that everyone has a nice living off of it. But you have to do your part. You HAVE to work. Let's break this down and talk about the basics.

1) Set a schedule. And for the love of fuck stick to it. STICK TO IT. I don't care if this is a 30 hour a week schedule or 10. STICK TO IT as much as you possibly can. This will aid you - trust me.

2) When you're on camera, you're on the clock. Look like you care. No one wants to pay you to sit there and look bored while you scroll through your phone. No. Put that shit away and look professional for Christ sake.

3) Speak to your customers with respect while at the same time, stand up for your standards and boundaries. It's important to be respectful and doing what you can to make your customers happy - but not at your own expense. Be up front about what you will and will not do.

4) By no means do you need to work 40+ hours per week to make a good living. You can work half of that and easily make great money. But there does come a point where if you're only working 3-4 hours a week, especially when you're a newbie, what's the point? Sure, you'll make a bit of extra cash, but probably not enough to pay all your bills with. Plan on working a minimum, MINIMUM of 10 hours a week if you really want to be serious about this. And I would really recommend 20-25 hours.

5) But HOW much money can you make? I went over this topic in more detail in my post, How Much Money Can You Really Make as a Webcam Model?, but just to go over some of the highlights: A lot. You can make A LOT. I-camz, for example, has this handy dandy feature that allows models to get paid $1/minute per CUSTOMER during premium chat. So if you were to say have 8 customers in your chat at one time, that's $8 a MINUTE. Pretty, sweet, eh? I-camz models earn somewhere between $500 to $2000 a week, and some of there top earning models earn far more than that. But those bitches work hard. Really hard. You can sign up for I-camz here. It's quick and easy. Another great company to work for is Internet Modeling. They're pretty well known and some of their top models make a TRUCK ton. In my other post I mentioned how one of their bigger models earned almost $6000 in one week. Now again, models like this are working a fuck ton of hours and working their asses off. The majority of their models earn around $2k a week, which is still a damned great salary. You can sign up for Internet Modeling here.

In closing, you gotta WORK IT! Look at this as your business because is is your business. Treat it right. Nurture it, grow it, work hard and it WILL PAY OFF.

Happy camming! Let's do this again. ;)


Saturday, July 2, 2016

How Much Money Can You Really Make Camming?

So you want to hear the numbers, huh? Need to crunch some numbers to really see if webcam modeling is right for you? Okay - Let's do it. I'm going to spotlight a couple different camming sites and go over their numbers with you to give you a taste of the business. Ready to get started?


Let's talk about i-Camz - they've been around for a while and are a tried and true company to work with. Their website isn't as fancy as some of the other sites, but I find their model support to more than make up for that. Like most of the other camming companies, you get paid per minute you are in a private show with a customer. Models get paid $1 per minute per customer in premium chat and $1.25 per minute for exclusive chat (just a one on one show with a customer). In this case, premium chat is more desired for the model because having more customers in your room means you'll make more in the end. For an example, if you had 8 customers in your room, you'll earn $8 a MINUTE. Just let that sink in for a minute - $8 a freakin' minute. 

-The average model for i-Camz earns between $250 and $2000 a week. This number is based off how many hours per week they work and how consistent their work schedule is. The more consistent your schedule is, the easier it is for customers to find you again.
-i-Camz pays their models weekly - however their is a one week hold for every payment. You'll receive your first payment (Week 1) on week 2, and so on so forth.

Internet Modeling

Everyone has pretty much heard of Internet Modeling. They're a great company to work for and have a fantastic website. Easy to navigate and tons of helpful info. Internet Modeling actually has a list of cam sites you can choose to work through - all represented by Internet Modeling. They have the largest network of high traffic webcam sites so you can feel totally confident with working for them. They also offer the highest paying webcam jobs in the industry. Impossible to go wrong, right?

-Internet Modeling models earn 70% of total earnings in both live broadcasts and recorded videos (that's right, ladies and gents, you can make and post videos to earn money off as well!) Some of their highest paid models earn $2,000 a week - some earn even more. Here were this week's highest paid models:
How much can I make as a webcam model?
So let's do the math on the top three models. Each token the model receives equals $0.09, right? So that means the first model earned $5,979.15, the second model earned $3,015.60, and the third model earned $2,953.80! IN A WEEK. 

Now let's get real for a minute, my fine internet friends, these are their absolute top models. These girls are busting their asses. They're probably working 40+ hours a week and are extremely dedicated to their jobs. But may I ask you, how much a week did you make at your last 40 hour a week job? I know I didn't make $5,979. Think about just how much you could earn at 30 hours, or 20 hours, or hell, even just 10 hours a week. Just think about that for a minute. 

That's all for this post, my friends. Let's do this again. ;-) 

Happy camming! 


Friday, July 1, 2016

Are you ready to get your webcam career off the ground? Let us help!

Welcome to the new and improved Webcam Career Guide! 

You've probably heard about webcamming but the idea can be a bit intimidating. It's a different world and can feel a bit overwhelming for potential models. With this website, I'm going to share tips, trade secrets, have guest posts from successful models, answer questions, give advice, and pretty much anything else I can! This site is always a work in progress and I'm always adding new things - but if you don't see something you're looking for just email me at and let me know!

If you've been looking for a way to work from the comfort of your own home and still be able to make a good living - hell - a great living, then webcamming is a safe, easy, and fun way to do it. People, this is an established industry that has proven itself to be extremely successful. The best part? You don't have to look any certain way to be successful. No need to look like a Barbie or Ken dolls here, customers are looking for real people to connect with. All you need a winning personality and willingness to put yourself out there. And boom. Instant career! With webcamming, you're going to be able to:

Keep an eye out for my next blog post where I'm going to talk MULA. How much money could you potentially make as a webcam model? Stay tuned. ;)

Happy camming!


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